UPENDO Consulting Inc. is an incorporated consulting firm registered in Montreal Canada. Comprised of two senior partners (Katherine Garven and Fernando Garabito) and a network of diverse associates, we provide management-consulting services to support organisations that promote inclusive and equitable social and economic development and the fulfillment of human rights of vulnerable populations around the world.
Our Philosophy
Our experience at UPENDO has taught us that in order to make meaningful change happen, our role is to listen carefully to the thoughts and priorities of our clients and to follow their lead in executing change. At UPENDO, we draw on the experiences and leadership of actors based across the globe and we are fundamentally opposed to systems and processes that encourage the continuation of colonial and unequal power dynamics between people and countries. Committed to issues of social justice, including the rights of indigenous peoples (both in Canada and around the world), we strive to provide high quality technical services that can support the advancement of human rights and positive social transformation worldwide.
We believe in working hard to provide outstanding services to our clients and to ensure client satisfaction and high-quality products. To guarantee this, our Senior Partners are heavily involved in the management and/or implementation of all of our projects, providing each other with strong quality assurance support. We also invest in using experienced and technically capable Senior Associates who bring with them a wide variety of technical and thematic expertise and experience working across continents and in multiple languages.AREAS OF EXPERTISE
✓ Project Design and Implementation
✓ Results-Based Management
✓ Monitoring and Evaluation
✓ Stakeholder Engagement
✓ Audio and Visual Communications
✓ Human Rights
✓ Children’s Rights
✓ Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
✓ Communications (Including Communications for Development)
✓ Armed Violence and Restorative Actions
✓ Migration and Refugees
✓ Socio-Economic Development
✓ Education, Training and Employment
Our Team
Our Senior Partners provide a combined total of over 20 years of experience in the company’s primary areas of technical expertise. With strong results-based management skills, UPENDO’s Senior Partners have provided project design, implementation, and evaluation support to a diversity of clients including U.N. organisations (UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA, IOM, UNRWA), indigenous governments, financial institutions, research and learning institutions, international non-profit organisations, and private-sector enterprises.
Our Senior Partners offer services in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.Please contact us for a copy of our company policies on 1) quality assurance and 2) ethics and sexual harassment.


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Final Evaluation of the UN Women Project Protecting the Rights of Women Migrant Workers in ASEAN
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Final Evaluation of the UN Women Global Fund for Gender Equality
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Design and Implementation of the Wemindji Career Program
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Development of a Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC) Program for the Cree School Board
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Final Evaluation of the IOM X Campaign (2014-2018)
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Multi-Country Portfolio Evaluation of UN Women Programme Presence Offices in the Asia Pacific Region
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Final Assessment for the UNICEF Programme ‘Prevent and Protect: Armed Violence and Weapons in Child Protection’
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Midterm Evaluation of IOM’s CREST (Corporate Responsibility in Eliminating Slavery and Trafficking in Asia)
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Midterm Evaluation of Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region
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Global Evaluation of the UNSDG Human Rights Mainstreaming Multi-Donor Trust Fund
Contact us
If you wish to contact us, please write to us at:
Katherine Garven, Senior Partner and Co-Founder katherine@upendoconsulting.org Fernando Garabito, Senior Partner and Co-Founder fernando@upendoconsulting.org Or just use the contact form below